Thursday, October 22, 2009

Payton SEZ!!!

M-REOW!!!!  (In his man voice)

These Close To My Heart papers are PUURRFECT even for ME!!  I LOVE how they all coordinate perfectly and make CAT SCRAPPING Easy As Pie!  PAYTON PIE THAT IS!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Payton was raised on scrapbooking! He is right in the middle of everything that Casey does and seems to appreciate the products and the projects! He comes to our house on Tuesday and Thursday and I help Casey replace his nail caps. We find he is quite captivated by a good story during his manicure! He likes to play with our Libby and she is so excited to see him and his favorite toy, Mighty Mouse. Payton is an all purpose cat-sometimes a tiny baby and sometimes a big guy. We even decided that he experienced a voice change about the time he turned 2 yrs. old! He's a fun guy and we all enjoy him and he certainly inspires a lot of scrapbook pages. Happy scrapbooking! Judy
